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Hello and wellcome back!

We are going to start with the Activity 2.1. in the page 77. You will have to paint the representation of the Modigliani´s work of art, by means of lines and textures.

Before starting you should have readed the pages 52, 53, 54 and 55. and specially point E. Basic techniques. Stencil.

We can do the work in different ways: 

Dividing the work of art into two different parts: the characters or natural shapes and the others, or maybe foreground and background (using lines to Paint the foreground and textures to the background or conversely)

Don´t forget that you can create sense of depth and volume by means of the line. Varying the thicknesses or even changing the space between the lines and changing it´s colours too for shading

You have to trace your lines freehand, and also you can imitate textures using lines. Remember that a texture is the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it.

To create textures you can use frotage technique, that is to say rubbing the paper against a Wall or some roughened surface and painting over with wax crayons or any other fatty element (4B pencil for example)

You can also use stencil technique using templates, and instead of using an aerosol or spray, you can do it by means of an old toothbrush.

Is attached a short video tutorial, where it´s shown how to apply that technique

Don´t  forget sending a photo to our email account

The last day to send your works will be this next friday the 17th.

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