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Hello, and wellcome back!

We are going to start with the Unit 2. Activity 2. Page. 79.

This is an Activity about how to use dots, lines, shapes, textures and colours to fill an empty drawing.

You will have to divide into six equal parts the drawing that represents Gustave´s Klimt most famous work of art called "the Kiss" and paint it like in the given example, using different ways: dots, lines, shapes, textures and blue family colours.

Before starting with the activity, you should have readed the following pages :
In the page 50, specially point B. Using dots for shading, and look at the example at the right side of the page. You will notice what does it mean: Shading: degradado o sombreado. 

Here, the book explains how to shade a drawing using dots: with different thicknesses and changing its color ( from darkest to clearest).
Thickness: Grosor. And remember to use darkest colours in the foreground and clearest in the background to give volumen and sense of depth.

You have to read the page 51 too, specially point B, lines for shading. It will give you the clue to do the exercise, "we can shade dark areas by drawing parallel lines close together or shade lighter areas by spacing the lines farther apart" (podemos sombrear areas dibujando líneas paralelas muy juntas o areas más claras espaciando las líneas).

In the page 52 you have to read specially the shaded plane, that shows how to separate areas of light and shadow, stablishing a contrast between them.

In the page 53 you have to read specially the difference between the shapes, that can be seen as: closed and regular shapes (example at the top of the page) or open and irregular shapes ( example at the bottom of the page).

In the page 55, you have to read specially the 2.3.graphic texture. You Will have to imitate natural textures. Remember that a texture is: The way a Surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it.

In the page 56 you have to read the 2.4.tactile texture. You are going to imitate that kind of textures by means of frotage technique. that is to say rubbing the paper against a Wall or some roughened surface and painting over with wax crayons or any other fatty element (4B pencil for example)

And lastly, in the page 62 you have inside the colour Wheel, the colours that make up the blue family, or cool colours.

You have to send me a photo of your worksheet to until this next friday the 17th.

Good luck, and if you have any problem, ask me after having readed completely the exercise and the refered pages of the book.

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