Hello everybody.
This next week, we are going to do an still life drawing, applying the pointillism technique.
This technique uses the apply of colours dots to give colour and shape to the figures.
Pointillism have been used by impresionism and expresionism most important artists, such as Vincent Van Gogh, Signat, Seurat, Monet..., due to its great capacity of suggest and convey emotions by means of the special effect that creates its colours.
The technique relies on the ability of the eye and mind of the viewer to blend the color spots into a fuller range of tones. It is related to Divisionism, a more technical variant of the method. Divisionism is concerned with color theory, whereas pointillism is more focused on the specific style of brushwork used to apply the paint.
At the bottom of this page, is attached an empty still life drawing, that you will have to download and print. To download the image, you have to click with mouse right button, and select "guardar imagen cómo".
Then, you will have to trace it into a DINA4 worksheet, using a 2H pencil and, finally you will paint it with coloured felt pens, applying the pointillism technique.
In order to give depth and sense of volume to the drawing you will use at least 3 different tones each colour to fill the fruits.
look at the shades and shadows. The light comes from the right side of the page. So, this will be the clearest area in each one piece of fruit. On the contrary, the darkest area will be the left side.
Try to avoid doing a flat painting, painting dots with different thicknesses and using curved lines to give volume to the shapes.
At the end, delete the contour lines made with the 2H pencil.
Send a photo jpg or pdf of your work to our email account:
Good luck.
Vocabulary: Still life: Naturaleza muerta o bodegón. Shade: Sombra propia. Shadow: Sombra arrojada.